Control process temperatures
to increase energy efficiency.

Thanks to their high flexibility, FEF foams insulate a wide variety of components. Due to their long-term thermal performance capability and practical handling, they are ideally suited for use in the industrial sector.

Industrial Applications

The extreme temperatures and environments associated with industrial locations present a number of unique challenges and considerations for insulation materials. With higher temperatures comes a higher potential for energy saving but other concerns, like the potential for corrosion under insulation (CUI) and personnel protection often have a greater influence on insulation selection than thermal efficiency alone.

Studies have shown that energy losses can be reduced by up to 30 per cent by insulating components and pipelines. Insulating flanges, valves and fittings can prevent thermal bridges and plays a key role in maximising energy savings.


Flexible insulation for complex pipes

Industrial pipework and equipment is complex and can be difficult to insulate using rigid materials. FEF insulation is flexible and standard materials can be easily fabricated on site to fit even the most complex pipes, valves, flanges and other equipment.

Low weight with easy application.

FEF and PEF foams are very easy to work with and require no special application tools. This is due, in part, to their dust and fibre free composition. At the same time the insulation is extremely light-weight and easily sealed to provide a robust, long lasting, insulation solution.

Extra protection for extreme environments.

Chemicals, salt-water and UV-light are just some of the environmental factors that can adversely affect industrial insulation materials. FEF and PEF materials are fully compatible with a range of both metallic and non-metallic cladding options suitable for industrial locations.

High thermal performance.

FEF and PEF insulation materials are closed cell and combine high levels of thermal performance with exceptional moisture resistance. Designed to also provide long lasting performance against corrosion under insulation, FEF and PEF materials are ideal for insulating a wide range of industrial pipework and equipment.